Driving a Diesel Car? Pay Attention

Diesel engines require regular low-cost maintenance, mostly in the form of frequent oil and filter changes. This is one the most misinterpreted and misunderstood fact about a diesel engine that most drivers prefer not to deal with. With all the pros of a diesel engine including durability, fuel efficiency and greater torque among others, dismissing them on account of regular maintenance is uninformed. With these maintenance tips, feel confident to explore the perks of driving a diesel powered car and thank me later.

  • Coolant: the coolant becomes more acidic over time. When this happens, it can rot out other crucial parts of the vehicle’s cooling system. Have the coolant checked and flushed on an appropriate schedule.
  • Fuel filters: They should be replaced on a routine maintenance schedule, approximately every 10,000-15,000 miles. Most newer diesel engines will have two fuel filters, a primary and a secondary. They should both be replaced at the same time for optimal cleaning.
  • Air Filter: The air filter can be checked without removing it, and then brought in for replacement. Depending on the climate and environment that you’re driving in, the air filters may need to be closely monitored.
  • Fuel Quality: Go to trustworthy fuel stations and choose good quality fuel. The worse the fuel, the more impact it will have on the injectors; they are prone to damage and expensive to replace.
  • Turbocharger: The turbocharger is yet another element of a diesel car that requires special attention and is very expensive to repair. The key to prolong its life is to let the engine cool down after you’ve finished driving.Leave it running on neutral gear for about 20 seconds to 2 minutes after stopping the car before you turn off the engine.
  • Engine Oil: Replace the engine oil at least once per year or every 5,000 miles driven. If your diesel engine is used for hard-driving and towing then it is necessary to change oil more frequently. If you get sloppy about maintenance and fail to change the oil often enough, you may end up with an engine that’s prematurely dead.